AI Intimacy Coach

Dog Character

People who belong to the dog are very conservative people, cautious and prudent by nature, so it takes a while to become close friends with others, but once they have identified someone, they will sincerely maintain a certain relationship. This kind of personality not only appears between lovers and friends, but also maintains this kind of relationship with the leaders of their own units.


Dogs are originally people with a strong sense of justice, but for the most important people in their hearts, they will do anything. Although they are not stupid, they lack the ability to express themselves, so it is difficult to convey their feelings to others. other side. It is easy to give others the impression of being a stubborn person.


Dog people waste a lot of time on doubts. They think that this evil world is always designing to frame them, that life is so bad that it is unbearable, and they must correct it by themselves.


Because of their loyal personality, Dogs are often engaged in careers aimed at serving others. Dogs do not commit crimes and do not seek benefits. They only need a quiet life and a good family, and thus forget the worldly things. Ugly and evil. People who belong to the dog family often help others, but forget their own personal interests. They don’t pay attention to their own interests. Once they find themselves betrayed by cunning people, they will feel shocked and hurt.


Dog people are pure in nature and will never do bad things. However, they are quite critical and sharp. If you lack confidence, you will blame your mistakes on others.

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