AI Intimacy Coach


Explore the Nine Taboos of the Tarot

As an ancient and mysterious inquiry tool, Tarot cards are widely used in fields such as inquiry and psychological counseling. However, there are some dos and don’ts that we need to follow when using tarot to ensure accurate and helpful information. This article will explore the nine taboos of Tarot cards, and help readers better understand and use Tarot cards.


Taboo 1: It is not advisable to randomly draw cards


Randomly drawing tarot cards may lead to confusion and inaccurate interpretation results, so we need to maintain focus and awareness, and purposely select appropriate cards for interpretation.


Taboo 2: It is not advisable to use Tarot cards when the mood is unstable


When the mood fluctuates greatly, it is easy to affect our interpretation ability and may lead to deviations in the interpretation results. Therefore, tarot cards should be avoided when you are emotionally unstable or depressed.


Taboo 3: It is not advisable to interpret the same question frequently


Frequent interpretation of the same question may lead to repetition and confusion of interpretation results, so we need to give a certain amount of time and space to think and understand, and then interpret after the problem changes or develops.


Taboo 4: It is not advisable to rely too much on Tarot cards


Tarot is just a tool, it cannot replace our independent thinking and decision-making ability. Excessive reliance on tarot can cause us to lose our intuition and judgment, so it needs to be used in moderation.


Taboo 5: It is not appropriate to interpret for others


Although we can interpret Tarot cards for others, over-substituting other people’s emotions and problems will affect the accuracy and objectivity of the interpretation results. Therefore, when interpreting for others, it is necessary to maintain a sober and objective attitude.


Taboo 6: It is not advisable to interpret other people’s Tarot cards without authorization


For other people’s tarot cards, we need to obtain their authorization before we can interpret them. Interpreting other people’s Tarot cards without permission is an invasion of other people’s privacy, and it will also lead to inaccurate reading results.


Taboo 7: It is not appropriate to interpret legal or medical issues


The Tarot cards are not a substitute for legal and medical professional advice, and therefore the Tarot cards should not be relied upon for decision-making or guidance when it comes to legal or medical matters.


Taboo 8: It is not advisable to be overly feudal about the interpretation results


The interpretation results of Tarot cards may be hints of various possibilities, but they are not necessarily the established arrangement of fate. Excessive feudal interpretation will cause us to lose control over our own destiny, so we need to maintain calm and rational thinking.


Taboo 9: It is not advisable to use Tarot cards as an entertainment tool


Although tarot cards are used in entertainment situations, we need to realize that tarot cards are not just an entertainment tool, it has deep spiritual and psychological significance. Therefore, we need to respect and correctly understand the value and function of Tarot cards.


Some taboos need to be followed when using tarot cards to ensure the accuracy and usefulness of the reading results. By expounding the nine taboos of Tarot cards, I hope readers can better understand and use Tarot cards, so as to obtain more comprehensive and profound spiritual guidance and enlightenment.

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