AI Intimacy Coach


Fortune for March 2024

The fortune in March shows a positive trend. The following is the specific content:

●The conjunction of Mars and Venus in Capricorn, as well as the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter, enhance the energy of Pisces, indicating that this month will be a lucky and opportunity-filled period.

●On March 3, the appearance of the new moon in Pisces will bring powerful healing power, help release the influence of the past, and promote spiritual forgiveness and self-acceptance.

●On March 5th and 6th, the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter and Mars and Venus will further enhance the influence of Pisces and strengthen the energy of social life and friendship.

●On March 13, the conjunction of the Sun and Neptune will bring a more harmonious social environment and help dilute negative emotions, especially hatred and other emotions.

●On March 18, the appearance of the full moon in Virgo is an important turning point, reminding people to maintain an objective and practical attitude during the Pisces month.

Overall, the astrology in March is very favorable for personal growth and spiritual healing. It is also a good time to start new projects and actively socialize.

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