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Fortune for the Year of the Dragon: Dragon

In 2024, those whose zodiac sign is Dragon will be guilty of Tai Sui. Anyone who is guilty of Tai Sui will be restless in that year, their fortune will be blocked, and they must be careful about their health. Be careful not to flex your muscles too much. It’s best to leave any important plans until 2025. Nothing is worse than silence in 2024. Staying where you are and developing will bring you unexpected gains.

“Leave a thin line in everything so that we can meet again in the future.” Remember this sentence well.

In terms of work, you should only stick to the surprise. The support stars in 2024 are relatively weak, so it is not easy to get promotions, additional labor, etc. However, since the career luck is not too bad, there will not be big changes.

Detailed explanation of good and bad stars

The only auspicious star in 2024 is “Huagai”, which means that you only focus on thoughts without practical actions; therefore, it is best to be practical in everything, avoid daydreaming and take chances, and have a plan for everything, because the fortune in 2024 It’s not going well, so 2024 will definitely be “no pain, no gain”. You must remind yourself at all times to have a plan and take action.

The evil stars include “Jianfeng” and “Fushi”. Since there are no auspicious stars to suppress them, the influence of these two stars is very great. Pay attention to bloody disasters and accidents. Pregnant women should pay attention to miscarriage. Don’t be pushy on weekdays. In daily life, be more tolerant to family members, colleagues, friends or partners around you. You will find that patience will reduce your troubles, and intervening in everything will only make you more and more troubled, and in the end you will not get the expected results. Instead of doing this, it is better to keep an open mind on everything.

Various aspects of fortune for people born in the Year of the Dragon

Career: The career luck in 2024 is not very good. You have to rely on yourself to a large extent. There are no nobles, so you have to do everything yourself. You must use your own efforts to remedy the fortune in 2024. If you can pay more attention to everything and Be patient, your fortune will be pretty good, but it will take next year for you to have big development, promotion or additional staff.

Wealth: There are easy signs of big financial losses in 2024; but even so, it is better to be defensive than aggressive in 2024. Major investments such as buying a house should not be made in 2024. Friends who are renting a house should continue to rent a house and have bought a house. Owner-occupiers are not required to move. Windfall luck is very average, so friends who like gambling will have to bear it in 2024.

Relationship: In 2024, love luck will be average and it will be difficult to make a big breakthrough. Unmarried people will not get married easily, while married people will be relatively dull. If you don’t take the initiative to pay attention, there will be no special development in relationships. Those who are not in love will not find a new partner easily. If you want to have a romantic relationship in 2024, you have to work harder.

Right and Wrong: Right and wrong are not serious in 2024, but because you are guilty of Tai Sui in 2024, the most important thing is to be patient. But if others are really dissatisfied with you, most of them will make it clear to you in person. In 2024, few people will maliciously slander you behind your back. you.

Health: Your health will be average in 2024. You should pay attention to some epidemic diseases. People with chronic diseases will be particularly prone to relapse in 2024, so you should be particularly careful.

Tips for transportation: The best way to solve the problem of Tai Sui is to go to the temple to worship Tai Sui. In addition, you can wear a jade chicken. In terms of home, in 2024, it is advisable to place a glass of water with eight stones or a white crystal ball in the positive financial position of the home (i.e. due north) to promote wealth. In addition, place five pieces of water in the two temporary bad positions of the home (i.e. southeast and due west). A copper coin is used to dispel evil spirits and enhance health.

Born in 1952: Health luck is relatively weak in 2024. If possible, you should go to the temple to pray for Tai Sui and have a physical examination at the beginning of the year. Also, because 2024 is particularly prone to accidents and injuries from metal knives, you should be careful when going out and about. Avoid unnecessary surprises.

Born in 1964: 2024 is a year that is better for action than for quietness. You should think twice before doing anything, and you should not be too hasty. If you have any new plans, it is best to wait until next year to make a decision.

Born in 1976: 2024 is a year of many changes. There will be ups and downs in terms of relationships, career and wealth. Therefore, you should pay close attention to what is happening around you in 2024 and take precautions early, otherwise it may have serious consequences.

Born in 1988: There will be changes in relationships in 2024, so prevent it as early as possible. Money is also the main reason for quarrels, so it is best to be more tolerant when getting along with your partner, so that the relationship can be maintained. In addition, you should also discover some new things to learn, which will be of great help to you in the future.

Born in 2000: In 2024, academic performance is average and it is difficult to concentrate, so you need more sleep and rest to maintain a happy learning attitude. You have a poor relationship with classmates in school and are prone to quarrels, so you need to spend more time getting along with others. Tolerance.

Born in 2012: Academic performance in 2024 is average. You need to study harder to catch up; you also need to pay attention to personal health.

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