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Fortune for the Year of the Dragon: Monkey

Friends who belong to the monkey sign will be very helpful in 2024, and their fortune should be very good. Unfortunately, the little people are in power in 2024, and they are easily blocked at work. Fortunately, they can turn bad luck into good luck in the end, but their fortune will fluctuate greatly in 2024. In serious cases, you may even get into trouble with the government in 2024, so be especially careful. 2024 is particularly beneficial to friends who are studying. Academic luck is very good, and reading is easy to absorb and understand. If you are working, you can also take advantage of 2024, when your academic luck is strong, to find some after-work courses for self-study, which will be very helpful to you.

Since 2024 brings strong luck, you will often be appreciated by your boss. It is recommended that you take this opportunity to express yourself more in 2024 and take the initiative at work, which will bring good luck. In terms of relationships, 2024 is particularly prone to quarrels. Therefore, you must be more tolerant in everything to resolve emotional troubles; many times things are not that serious, but in 2024, I don’t know why there will be quarrels over trivial matters, so sometimes it can be solved by being more tolerant. question.

Detailed explanation of good and bad stars

In 2024, if the auspicious star has “Three Platforms”, it is easy for you to be appreciated by your boss or elders and make you go further. It is very helpful and is also beneficial to friends who are studying. Friends who study after work will also have good luck; “Heaven’s solution”, everything can be done. Turning bad luck into good luck, although your fortune in 2024 will be different from last year, you will be able to get through it safely in the end.

The evil star has the “official symbol”, which means that it is especially easy to get into trouble with the government in 2024. However, as long as you pay more attention and do not do unjust things, there will be no problem. Small things such as throwing garbage, throwing cigarette butts or spitting will also be prosecuted by officials. No, so these little things should be avoided. The “Five Ghosts” are easily affected by villains and cause trouble, so be careful about your words and deeds and pay attention to being maliciously slandered behind your back; the “Earth Fiend” is easy to be framed by villains.

The fortune of Monkey people in all aspects

Wealth: Wealth will be ups and downs in 2024. It should be noted that speculation is not allowed, so speculation in stocks and real estate is not suitable in 2024. Long-term investment is okay; however, due to the “Heavenly Solution” star to eliminate disasters and resolve misfortune, , so in the end, you can stride over the threshold and turn danger into safety, without having to worry too much.

Career: In 2024, your career will be full of twists and turns, so even if you are appreciated by your boss or elders, your fortune will be ups and downs. Fortunately, there will be auspicious stars to resolve it, so when you face difficulties, you must face them positively, and the problem will be solved in the end. Pay attention to your peers, such as colleagues. The impact is that because the average luck of the generation will be average in 2024, it is easy to have disagreements with colleagues at work.

Relationships: Love luck in 2024 is average, so you shouldn’t have too high expectations. You should pay more attention. Friends who are in love or married are prone to third parties, so you should pay more attention to your partners around you on weekdays, so that you can notice problems as soon as possible. And the problem can be solved early. Those who don’t have a target still need to work hard.

Right and Wrong: There will be a lot of right and wrong in 2024, so we should pay more attention to official and wrong issues. However, the situation has not yet reached a serious level. As long as you are careful on weekdays, you will be unavoidable if you do not make mistakes; but if you are not lucky, you must be more careful. Pay special attention to the Feng Shui in 2024. You must place purple in the right and wrong position of the year. Objects or amethyst balls to reduce disputes.

Health: Health will be good in 2024, but those with chronic diseases should pay more attention. In addition, you should also pay more attention to foot diseases and take more care of your feet, otherwise it is easy to have poor blood circulation.

Tips for increasing luck: Place an amethyst ball or purple object in the middle of the house (the right and wrong position of the passing years); place a pink crystal ball in the east (peach blossom position of the passing years), or put eleven black stones in a glass of water. To enhance your luck.

Born in 1956: 2024 will bring good luck to younger generations. It is easy to get help from younger generations and you will be in a happy mood. However, health luck will be very volatile in 2024, so you should pay special attention to it, be careful about your diet, and have a physical examination during the year, just in case. .

Born in 1968: If you are not in good spirits in 2024, it will easily affect your work, so avoid overworking and take appropriate rest so that you can concentrate during work. Financial luck fluctuates, so it is not suitable to make major investments in 2024.

Born in 1980: There will be a lot of troubles in 2024, so remember to speak carefully and avoid unnecessary work. Be careful about being maliciously slandered behind your back; especially when working in large organizations, government departments or companies with many people.

Born in 1992: In 2024, your career fortune will be relatively unstable, and your financial fortune will also fluctuate, so you must live within your means in 2024 and handle financial issues carefully. The relationship between friends should be handled as carefully as possible, otherwise it will only become more and more helpful, and will be criticized by others.

Born in 2004: It is not advisable to be too aggressive in 2024, and you must return favors if you get some kindness. Be careful not to be too dominant and unforgiving, otherwise it may backfire. Men and women in love should be careful about the appearance of a third party; those who are studying The fortune is stable.

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