AI Intimacy Coach

Fortune for the Year of the Dragon: Rabbit

Friends of the rabbit sign will cross Tai Sui in 2024, so their fortunes are still not very smooth, but overall there is no big problem, but they need to pay special attention to small things. However, if there are any development plans, it is not suitable to be implemented in 2024. Health fortune in 2024 is only average. Pay attention to colon diseases. In addition, the resistance in 2024 is also weaker than in previous years. Whether in terms of wealth, career, or relationships, there will be many changes in 2024, but changes are not necessarily a bad thing, they are just different from the past.

Therefore, if you can take the initiative to seek change in 2024, your fortune will not be too bad; for example, the job you are doing now is not very good. Instead of staying in the original job and waiting for the boss to lay off employees, it is better to take the initiative to find a new job that suits you. It’s more practical; or you can stay where you are and think about how to change your working style to match the company’s philosophy. These are all ways to increase your luck.

Detailed explanation of good and bad stars

In 2024, the auspicious star has “Mo Yue”, which represents changes. There will be the possibility of changes in work, wealth or relationship.

The evil star has a “disease symbol”, which represents poor health, so if you have the opportunity, you should have a physical examination for early prevention.

Various aspects of fortune for people born under the zodiac sign Rabbit

Wealth: In 2024, your wealth will fluctuate, and it will be difficult to find new opportunities to make money in your existing job; you can think of some alternative plans in 2024, such as part-time jobs; if the requirements are not too high, you can stay in your position.

Career: There may be changes in career in 2024, so friends of the zodiac sign Rabbit should take the initiative to seek changes to increase their fortune; you can find something new to learn in your spare time, or try other jobs; you are no longer familiar with the position. Friends who are stable should pay more attention. Taking the initiative to seek changes can enhance your luck.

Relationship: Romance luck will be weak in 2024, and it will be difficult for those who have not found a partner to make a breakthrough; however, those who have a stable relationship may have changes in 2024, so couples should be more tolerant and bring up anything as early as possible to avoid deterioration.

Right and wrong: There is no big right or wrong in 2024 and there is no need to resolve it.

Health: Your health will be relatively poor in 2024. You should pay special attention to colon diseases, pay attention to your diet and exercise more, and get a physical examination if possible; your resistance will be weaker in 2024, so you will naturally have more illnesses, but if you are healthy on weekdays If there are no major problems, you just need to pay attention to your health regimen.

Tips for increasing luck: Place five copper coins or bells in the southeast of the house (i.e., the small sick area) and the direct west of the house (i.e., the big sick area) to enhance health.

Born in 1963: Health fortune in 2024 is very unstable, especially large intestine diseases; you should have a physical examination, exercise more and pay attention to your diet at the beginning of the year, otherwise your resistance will be very weak in 2024, and even minor illnesses will be difficult to deal with. get well.

Born in 1975: There is a possibility of promotion in 2024, so you can plan carefully in 2024. Some plans that could not be implemented in previous years can be realized in 2024. Being positive will do you a lot of good.

Born in 1987: There will be opportunities to change jobs in 2024, so you should start making plans at the beginning of the year; even if you do not plan to change jobs, you will still have the opportunity to change the working environment in your original company.

Born in 1999: 2024 will be more volatile in terms of relationships. There is a high chance that the opposite sex you meet in 2024 will be figs, so you must be mentally prepared and know how to deal with it.

Born in 2011: Those born in 2024 will have weak academic luck, so even if they work very hard, they may not be able to get good grades. Therefore, in 2024, we must learn how to understand in class so that our grades can improve.

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