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Fortune for the Year of the Dragon: Rat

Friends of the rat sign will have very strong financial fortune in 2024, and their fortune in 2024 will also be very good. Everything will go smoothly, safely and smoothly, their relationships will be stable, and everything will be good. In 2024, it is appropriate to invest funds in major investments such as stocks, real estate, etc. In addition, 2024 is also a good year to change jobs and seek a new working environment, which will take your career to the next level. 2024 is a year suitable for progress. If you had new plans last year but were not implemented, your wishes can come true in 2024. Since you are in a good mood and have loose money in 2024, you might as well find some courses that you are interested in to study. To take yourself further.

In addition, love fortune will be stable in 2024 and quarrels will decrease. Unmarried rat boys and rat girls are expected to get married in 2024. In addition to love luck, friends also have good luck and are very helpful, so when you have difficulties, you may wish to discuss it with your friends, and you will get a lot of help.

Health is something you need to pay more attention to in 2024. You should pay special attention to heart, skin, eye and other diseases in 2024. If you have myopia, it may worsen in 2024. It is recommended to take careful eye care.

Detailed explanation of good and bad stars

In 2024, the auspicious star has “Golden Chamber”, which represents good fortune; “General Star”, it is easy to get promoted and increase labor, and it is easy to be favored by colleagues at work.

The evil stars include “Dasha”, which means you should pay attention to your health; “Beitou”, which means filial piety, so those with elderly people at home should pay attention; “White Tiger” means illness.

Various aspects of fortune for people born in the Year of the Rat

Wealth: With the “Golden Chamber” star in place in 2024, the wealth will be very good. As long as you don’t squander it randomly, you are expected to have good wealth in 2024. Major investments such as buying properties, stocks, etc. can be implemented in 2024; however, Don’t lend money to others in 2024, otherwise it will be easy to borrow money and never look back.

Career: If there is a “General Star” in place in 2024, everything will go smoothly at work. You will be easily appreciated by your boss at work, your career will be prosperous, and you will get along well with your colleagues. Although you are busy at work, you are also busy and happy. So it’s not a big problem.

Relationship: Love luck will be stable in 2024. If you don’t have a partner, you need to work harder in 2024.

Right and wrong: There is no big right or wrong in 2024, so there is no need to pay attention or resolve it.

Health: Health is the most important thing to pay attention to in 2024. It is said that “the body is weak when you have more money.” If your health is not good, even making a lot of money is meaningless. Pay special attention to heart, skin and eye diseases. Friends who are already myopic should pay more attention to eye care, because myopia will worsen in 2024.

Tips for increasing luck: Place five copper coins or copper bells in the southeast of the house (i.e., the small sick spot) and in the west of the house (i.e., the big sick spot) to dispel evil spirits and enhance health.

Born in 1960: You need to pay the most attention to health in 2024, especially heart, eye and skin diseases. If you are already sick, you need to be even more careful in 2024.

Born in 1972: Good fortune, but good health. Never lend money to friends, otherwise you will never look back. There are very few right and wrong, so 2024 is a year of great luck.

Born in 1984: It is especially easy to think about getting married in 2024. If you really have this idea, you can boldly implement it in 2024. In addition, you should pay special attention to your positive income in 2024, because your positive financial luck will be very good in 2024, and you will be able to do everything with ease.

Born in 1996: It is especially easy to have new ideas in 2024. If you can put these ideas into practice, you will have a great chance of success. Therefore, you should focus on action in 2024, otherwise you will easily miss many opportunities. There may be a third party in love, so pay attention and handle it carefully.

Born in 2008: Pay attention to the health of elders in the family, and your own fortune will be very good. It is easy to get good grades in school and get along with friends very happily. Wealth luck is also good, so you will be in a particularly happy mood in 2024.

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