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Fortune for the Year of the Dragon: Tiger

Friends of the Tiger sign will face a relatively busy year in 2024. In 2024, people will be mainly action-oriented and have to do everything by themselves; not only for themselves, but also for family or friends. However, if you have ever thought about developing elsewhere, 2024 will be a suitable year. Even if you haven’t thought about it, there will be opportunities for you to develop abroad or join a foreign-funded company in 2024. You can seize these opportunities. In addition to hard work, 2024 will also be relatively volatile. If you are a Tiger person who does not have a fixed income and relies on commissions to work, your income in 2024 will be very unstable; so you must “collect the fallen rainwood in good weather” and face the Good times, when your financial fortune is good, you must know how to save cash to prepare for the times when your income is not so good, so as not to affect your life.

In addition, because 2024 is relatively volatile, some friends who do not have a deep relationship with their partners may break up in 2024. But the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain, and breaking up early is not a bad thing. This is especially true if your partner is separated from you. In terms of personal emotions, it is easy to be in a bad mood, emotionally unstable, and cry easily in 2024. If you are already very emotional on weekdays, you need to pay more attention in 2024. If you are not careful, you will easily be emotionally disturbed. If there are elders in the family, they should be advised to take good care of their health.

Detailed explanation of good and bad stars

In 2024, the auspicious star has “Yima”, which means that it will bring you many new opportunities in career; it is easy to develop in other places, change jobs, and join foreign-funded companies; friends who mainly work in sales will have a more helpful fortune. Friends who work in 2024 There are many opportunities to travel far during the year. But on the other hand, 2024 will make your life feel busy again.

The evil star has “Diao Ke”, so be careful to pay attention to the health of the elders in the family; “Heaven Cries”, the mood will change easily and the mood will be bad.

Various aspects of fortune for people born in the Year of the Tiger

Wealth: The wealth in 2024 is not bad, but it is not very stable. It will not have much impact on people with a fixed income, as long as they live within their means on weekdays; but for people who mainly rely on commission income, such as insurance brokers, real estate agents, etc. , you need to plan carefully, otherwise it will be easy for your income to fail to cover your expenses.

Career: Work will be easy to change in 2024, your job position will be easy to change, and there will be some opportunities that may allow you to develop in other places; in addition, the opportunities to change jobs will be greater than before, and even if you stay in your original position, you may be Feel busy.

Relationship: The relationship fortune in 2024 is relatively stable, but if the relationship has always been dull, the Tiger people may break up in 2024. In addition, being busy with work and neglecting your partner in 2024 is also a reason for breakup. You have to strike a balance between the two, so that your love life can be passed safely in 2024.

Right and Wrong: In 2024, there will not be much right and wrong, and it is not easy to cause trouble, so there is no need to resolve it.

Health: Health will be stable in 2024. You only need to pay attention to some popular diseases such as colds, colds, and fevers, but do not need to resolve them.

Tips for increasing luck: Place a white crystal or a glass of water in the north of your home (i.e., the correct financial position) with eight stones inside.

Born in 1962: Health will be stable in 2024 and there will be no serious problems; you only need to pay attention to some epidemic diseases and be careful about your diet; foreign settlers can take advantage of the opportunity to return in 2024 if they have the opportunity.

Born in 1974: There will be big changes in 2024, both in life and career. Therefore, you must be determined to be prepared for change in 2024 so that problems can be solved.

Born in 1986: There will be opportunities for changes in work, and you will be busy and busy in 2024. Be careful of emotional problems due to being too busy. In 2024, your mood will change easily, so be careful.

Born in 1998: It will be easier to make changes at work in 2024, and personnel matters will be more complicated than before, so be careful about right and wrong. Although there is no serious health problem, you should be careful about the health of your elders in the family.

Born in 2010: In 2024, your reading luck will be weak, and you will be unfocused and easily distracted. In addition, you will also be unhappy because of some trivial things in 2024, so you should calm down when encountering unsatisfactory things.

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