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Are Rat and Monkey compatible with each other?

Rat and Monkey are two of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs. From the perspective of zodiac fortune, the Rat and the Monkey are extremely compatible in all aspects. They will be successful whether they get married or work together.

Among the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, the Rat and the Monkey are a Triple Combination, which is also called a secret combination. This is a very good combination in terms of numerology. The two people will have very good fortune when they are combined.

How is the compatibility of the Rat and the Monkey?

  1. The Rat and the Monkey are compatible with each other

Zodiac signs will affect people’s fortunes, thereby affecting people’s physical conditions. The Rat is Yin in the Five Elements, and the Monkey is Yang in the Five Elements. The Yin and Yang are balanced, and they are complementary. Although the Yin and Yang of these two zodiac signs are not quite the same, their personalities and zodiac signs are still very compatible.

  • The Rat and the Monkey are emotionally compatible

People born in the Year of the Monkey and the Rat have different views on emotions. Although they are both people who like to play, Rat is relatively calm. People born in the Year of the Monkey like new people and new experiences, and they will stand up once they feel bored. People born in the Year of the Rat also like to play, but they will become more and more serious in their relationships, especially when they meet someone they like.

  • Career compatibility between Rat and Monkey

Rat and monkey are both witty. They are active by nature and do not like to stay in one place quietly. Monkey and Rat can engage in work of similar nature, and they will have a lot in common when they work together.

Rat is active with some calmness, while monkey is active with some irritability. Rat can help people born in Monkey make decisions carefully, and can also soothe Monkey’s irritability. Sometimes the two people will feel disgusted because of their incompatible personalities.

Marriage compatibility between Rat and Monkey

  1. Monkey women and Rat men

From the perspective of marriage compatibility, monkey women and rat men are very compatible. Both parties are similar in terms of dealing with people, and both are super learners. At the same time, both parties are more self-centered, but if the monkey girl really likes the other party, she will be tolerant and submissive when she meets the equally strong rat boy. Therefore, the monkey girl and the rat boy are also a very good pair.

  • Monkey man and rat woman

Generally speaking, the monkey man is a leader in work, and the rat woman is very frugal and manages the family. If the two are together, the man is responsible for the outside and the woman is responsible for the inside, and the family can be considered a very harmonious couple. However, both parties are impatient in character and may often quarrel over trivial matters, but they can still live happily over time.

Are the rat and monkey compatible in personalities?

  1. Rat’s personality

People born in the year of the rat are proactive, hardworking, quick-witted, smart, kind, have strong self-discipline, strong adaptability, good at making friends in all aspects, indecisive, slightly introverted, good at adapting to circumstances, and orderly in thinking. However, their shortcomings are that they are sometimes suspicious of others, short-sighted on some issues, lack of understanding, and are timid and easily miss opportunities.

  • Monkey’s personality

People born in the year of the monkey are enterprising, like to compete, talented and versatile, have a sweet life and don’t like to be restrained. They can get along well with others and are good at socializing. However, their shortcomings are that they are slightly jealous and vain, frivolous and changeable, and easily lack integrity.

  • The two have compatible personalities

In career, Monkey and Rat are definitely good partners for moving forward together. Similar personalities prompt them to understand each other better. If they give each other advice and suggestions at work, they can achieve a lot. In love, Monkey and Rat are a natural match. If the two are together, life will definitely be sweet, interesting and full of happiness.

For Rat and Monkey, it is very good for you to be together. Whether you get married or do business together, your life will be smooth, happy and healthy.

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