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Are dogs and horses compatible? Are they the best match?

People often judge the suitability of their lovers by looking at their zodiac signs, is the combination of the dog and horse signs suitable? In this article, we will reveal the mystery of the Horse and Dog pairing to see if they are really the most compatible pair.

Relationship luck: determined by age of marriage and gender

The combination of Dog and Horse is relatively good in terms of relationship luck, but this is only for the combination of late marriage. If they marry early, there may be more obstacles. However, if the Dog’s gender is female and is born in the 1st month of the lunar calendar, then this pair will have very good relationship luck. This is because the 1st month of the lunar calendar is a wood month, and wood overcomes earth, which can effectively harmonise the Dog’s aura and also help the Horse’s development, so their relationship will be smoother. Overall, the Horse and Dog have similar temperaments and complementary personalities.

Growing Together in Career and Affection

The Dog and the Horse are very compatible when it comes to their careers and they have a good rapport with each other and a very good personal relationship. They support each other and work very well together, so their careers progress very quickly. They are suited to work on projects and business. In terms of affection, both the Dog and the Horse attach great importance to their families. They both have a strong sense of family responsibility and are able to support their own families together. They have a very strong bond of kinship and believe that blood is thicker than water and will cherish the bond of kinship with each other.

Sincere and Unbreakable Friendship

Dogs and Horses have something in common when it comes to their friends; they are both loyal and honest, which makes their friendships grow faster. They are suited to be sincere friends and their friendship is unbreakable and cannot be destroyed by others.

Harmonious and Happy Love Relationship

Dog and Horse care for each other in love and keep each other company, leading a harmonious and happy life. Their marriage is carefree and blessed by others, and their children are very successful. The Dog man appreciates the intelligence of the Horse woman, while the Horse woman admires the Dog man for his serious endeavours and considers him worthy of a lifelong commitment. They will work together to solve problems when they encounter difficulties and get along well. The combination of the Dog woman and the Horse man is also one of longevity, as they have good personalities and are full of vigour. They will run a good family together and help each other’s career.

Summing up

The combination of Dog and Horse is a great match in relationships, career, affection and friendship. They have similar temperaments and complementary personalities. They are able to support each other and grow together, both in relationship and in career and affection. Therefore, Dog and Horse are compatible.

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