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What is the compatibility of Dragon and Rooster?

People born in the Year of the Dragon and the Year of the Rooster are very suitable for each other, but they have to go through a lot of difficulties to be together, and they have a tacit understanding after being together. Both their personalities and the way they deal with problems are perfect. It can be said that people born in the Year of the Dragon and the Rooster can make progress together. So, let’s follow the editor to see whether the Dragon and the Rooster are compatible and how the marriage between the Dragon and the Rooster is like?

Are the Dragon and the Rooster compatible?

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Rooster is auspicious. The two are one of the three compatible zodiac signs. A clear match. People born in the Year of the Dragon are strong and resolute, decisive, and do not like to be mean and mean. They are ambitious, have a distinct style of doing things, and do things without leaving any room for maneuver. People born in the Year of the Rooster are extroverted, flamboyant, proud, cherish their reputation, and like to listen to flattery. They have strong personal abilities, are good at socializing, and like to move and hate quiet.

The two of them work very well together in their careers. They are both extroverts, popular, sociable, and smart. They encourage each other and communicate with each other to solve problems.

In terms of marriage, the two of them are progressing very quickly, they are attracted to each other, and their marriage is happy. However, both of them are strong people, and conflicts are rare. But when they do occur, they are matters of principle, and they are difficult to reconcile without giving in. They should communicate with each other and not be petty.

In terms of wealth, both of them are wealthy people. When they get together, wealth and blessings will continue.

How is the marriage between dragon and chicken?

From the perspective of love relationship, the Dragon and the Rooster have certain similarities in self-positioning, life and work attitudes, so they will appear more tacit and harmonious in love relationship. The Rooster is shrewd and eloquent, while the Dragon is arrogant but overbearing. The seemingly incompatible personalities can create special sparks, because each has high demands on themselves and life, and at the same time, their interactions can satisfy each other’s vanity.

Dragon marriage advice and taboos

Suitable matches: Rat, Monkey, Rooster. They will make good friends in marriage, be thrifty and manage their household well. They will become more prosperous, wealthy and successful, and have descendants to carry on their family line.

Incompatible with: Dog and Rabbit, they cannot live in harmony, will destroy separation and cannot feel at peace.

Explanation: The Dragon and Rooster are in harmony, so it is best to find a partner who is a Rooster. This is a good match for the upper class. The second is to find a partner who is in the Monkey and Rat. This is the best match. The Dragon and the Dog are in conflict, so it is best not to find a partner who is a Dog. This is a bad match for the lower class. The Dragon and the Rabbit are in conflict, so it is not suitable to find a partner who is a Rabbit. This is a low-class match. Sometimes it is said that the Dragon and the Rabbit are suicide, so it is also necessary to avoid the same phase. This is a low-class match.

Marriage advice and taboos for people born in the Year of the Rooster

Suitable matches: Ox, Dragon, Snake. These zodiac signs are a good match. This zodiac sign is blessed by heaven, and has reputation, success, and a prosperous family.

Avoid matching: White rabbit, golden rooster and jade rabbit, they will last forever in marriage, double happiness.

Explanation: Rooster and Dragon are compatible, so it is best to find a partner who is a Dragon, which is a good match for the upper class. Then, they are compatible with Snake and Ox, so you should also find a partner who is a Snake, which is the best match. Rooster and Rabbit are in conflict, so it is best not to find a Rabbit, which is a bad match for the lower class.

Are the Rooster and the Dragon compatible?

People born in the Year of the Rooster are smart and clever, and good at getting along with others. People born in the Year of the Dragon are confident, arrogant and overbearing. Although these two seemingly incompatible personalities can actually create special sparks and satisfy each other’s vanity, they have a tacit understanding in love and get along harmoniously. People born in the Year of the Dragon and people born in the Year of the Rooster are suitable for marriage, and it is a top-notch marriage. People born in the Year of the Rooster pursue avant-garde, while people born in the Year of the Dragon are enthusiastic and generous. Both of them are flexible in mind and know how to cater to each other’s preferences, so they are a good match.

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