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Explore the mystery of destiny: a comprehensive analysis of the symbolic meanings of the 22 Tarot main cards!

Tarot card interpretation is the explanation and interpretation of the symbolic meanings of the 22 main cards, allowing tarot card users to have a deeper understanding of the meaning and hints behind each card. Specifically, each tarot card has its own meaning, symbol and implication, expressing people’s different emotions, doubts, challenges and opportunities. Through the combination and display of the card array, it can help people better understand themselves. Understand your life and future direction to better face the challenges and opportunities in life.

0 The Wanderer Wandering

In traditional tarot, 0 The Fool represents exploration, adventure, and freedom. This card indicates pursuing your dreams and goals on the journey of life. If we keep an open mind and a fearless spirit, we can move forward even in the face of unknowns and challenges. At the same time, this card also reveals new possibilities and beginnings, giving us a sense of innocence.

Keywords: adventure, freedom, pursuing dreams, open mind.

1 The Magician Creates

The Magician card means that you have innate creativity and unlimited potential. However, only with a strong will and a clear goal can you fully realize this ability. It should be noted that if used improperly, it may bring unbearable consequences. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain the right attitude and possess the appropriate knowledge and power so that you can effectively take control of the situation and achieve your desired goals.

Keywords: knowledge, power, control

2 The High Priestess Wisdom

In this world, everything is composed of two sides: good and evil, light and dark, etc. The Priestess, by the exercise of her reason, is able to distinguish and discern these two-sided things, including those of sin and darkness. She is able to provide people with guidance in the nature of clear instructions. The card of the Priestess represents an invisible but deep emotion deep in the soul. It also symbolizes female intuition and the authority of knowledge.

Keywords: potential for influence, mysterious wisdom.

3 The Empress Harvest

Card number three, the Queen of Harvest, symbolizes the tender qualities of motherhood. Motherhood represents the birth and gestation of life, as well as a metaphor for harvest and material prosperity. The Queen symbolizes love and happiness, material and contented life. She also reminded people that an overly comfortable life will lead to luxury and laziness, so we must maintain a good attitude of hard work and improvement, otherwise we will fall into the abyss of degradation.

Keywords: creativity, growth, production

4The Emperor Controls

Card No. 4, the “dominance” Emperor card, represents the male image. The Emperor card symbolizes male will and passion, full of courage and action, and is the absolute ruler. It can be seen from its brand name IV that the emperor is in charge of stability and strength, implying the dominance of material society. However, behind having power and status, it also reflects the other side of self-righteousness, and there is a metaphor of “the height is too cold”.

Keywords: leadership, self-control and dominant power

5 The Hierophant Aid

Number 5: “Clergy” represents spiritual authority, as opposed to “Emperor” No. 4, which represents the power of material society. In religion, “clergy” symbolizes spirituality, ethics, depth of kindness, and insight. They help people get out of difficult situations and guide them in the right direction with words. Therefore, “Clergy” is the card that represents the awakening of human conscience and goodwill. In addition, it symbolizes conservative moral values and traditional knowledge, which if ignored may be at risk.

Keywords: knowledge, integration, expression.

6 The Lovers Union

Number 6: “Lovers” represents the magnetic attraction in the relationship between the sexes. Two people deeply love each other and enjoy rich happiness and joy. However, it also hints at the confusion that often occurs in romantic relationships, such as the restriction of personal freedom and the intervention of a third party. Therefore, falling in love is both beautiful and challenging.

Keywords: attraction, temptation.

7 The Chariot Success

This card portends change, movement and travel. It demonstrates the improvement of one’s mental abilities, personal progress, and the abilities that success represents. The balance of human ambition, competitive instinct, self-motivation and self-denial willpower will bring success on the road of life. However, if the balance is lost, the power can turn into a vicious beast.

Keywords: success, change, balance

8 The Strength Willpower

Human beings have the courage to move forward without fear, especially when facing difficulties that they need to overcome. This is the meaning of this card. It symbolizes strong willpower. Without this ability, it will be difficult for human beings to overcome difficulties and move forward.

Keywords: Discover inner strength, face adversity bravely

9 The Soloist Lonely Exploration

Your inner wisdom and intuition will guide you forward. By spending time alone, you can get to know yourself better, understand your strengths and weaknesses, and eliminate overconfidence and selfishness. This card also symbolizes the exploration of the inner world, saying goodbye to the past self, and returning to the true self.

Keywords: Silence, self-exploration, patience

10 The Wheel of Fortune The Cycle of Fortune

“Time comes and turns”, this card represents the cyclical pattern of life, and what you sow will be what you reap. However, destiny is not entirely determined by fate. As long as we seize the opportunity and actively face the changes and turning points in life, we can turn things around and gain good luck. Therefore, as long as we work hard and seize the opportunity, anything is possible.

Keywords: process, opportunity, turnaround

11.Justice Balance

This card reminds us of the need to recognize our true nature when interacting with nature. We need to bring our energy and energies into balance and harmony. As long as we are willing to make changes, we will get good results. At the same time, this card also warns us to always abide by morality and justice, and at the same time be tolerant and not slack off in the slightest.

Keywords: balance, opposing factors, clarity

12.The Hanged Man Sacrifice

The hanging man card symbolizes self-reflection, self-examination and review. It is somewhat similar to radiation therapy or yoga therapy, which uses reverse thinking to solve psychological disorders. This card also implies that as long as we wait patiently, misfortune will disappear automatically, just like physical illness. Through “sacrifice,” that is, honestly investing yourself in the pursuit of happiness.

Keywords: waiting, power of prophecy

13 Death End

This card suggests great change and a constant renewal of self-awareness. No matter how it ends, welcoming the result is the beginning of a new journey. The correct perspective should be towards the future.

Keywords: transformation, liberation, renewal.

14 Temperance Purification

Self-control enables you to get along well with others and accomplish tasks together. When you achieve mental balance and control your personal desires, you can achieve things you never had before. This card tells us that a very important point is how to control ourselves when facing various desires.

Keywords: self-control, harmony, self-denial.

15 The Devil Temptation

Attraction is always irresistible, but when caught in the vortex of desire, we may ignore the essence of true love, leading to tragic endings. Therefore, we should use wisdom, not just look at the surface, keep faith, and not give up easily, so that we can see the dawn of hope.

Keywords: resonance, flexibility, decision

16 The Tower Destruction

This card means the beginning or end of a life cycle where you will encounter changes and conflicts. You need to be careful and constantly adapt to these changes, otherwise chaos will result. This card also foretells the crisis of destruction, reminding us not to be too conceited and to remain humble and responsible.

Keywords: powerful change, the end of a cycle

17 The Star New Hope

The star card heralds avant-garde ideas, the reception of new knowledge, the realization of hopeful ideals and promises. It also conveys the caution of inspiration and love, advocating that we cultivate hope with our heart and move towards a bright future.

Keywords: lighting, inspiration, supernatural power

18 The Moon Uneasy

The moon represents the spiritual world of imagination and association. Because it waxes and wanes, it represents “change.” The practical meaning of this card is to remind us that we must not ignore the activities of the subconscious mind and be alert to the ambiguity and uneasiness of things. Therefore, even if you are in a stable state, you must remain highly vigilant and use your intuition to identify potential enemies.

Keywords: supernatural power, dreams, deception, introspection, transformation

19 The Sun Life

The sun’s rays shine on all things, giving life infinite energy. The message conveyed by this card is the joy of life, and it also teaches us that all the joy of life comes from a healthy and prosperous life and a cooperative team spirit. This card also demonstrates the power of creativity, the value of collective effort and collaboration. Through this card, you can find the direction to the truth.

Keywords: creativity, collective collaboration, achievement

20Judgement Resurrection

The card of Judgment tells us to discover the truth and accept new values, so that we can have a new life. This card suggests inner spiritual regeneration and renewal.

Keywords: spiritual renewal, awakening, self-reflection, transformation

21 The World Achieved

It means that a cycle has ended and you will soon be successful and rewarded! Your mind and spirit will rise to a higher level. This card emphasizes the harmonious power of the Creator, and as long as you are grateful, you can find happiness and joy in the world you create.

Keywords: fulfillment, success, victory, cosmic awareness.

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