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Are the zodiac signs of the rooster and the dog compatible? How to decipher whether the zodiac signs of the rooster and the dog are compatible?

Many people are very curious about whether the zodiac signs of Rooster and Dog are compatible? In fact, if people born in the year of Rooster and Dog get married, there will definitely be many conflicts in their marriage life. Moreover, people born in the year of Rooster and Dog are very straightforward and sincere to everyone. So let’s follow the editor to see how to solve the problem of whether the zodiac signs of Rooster and Dog are compatible?

Are the Rooster and the Dog compatible?

From the perspective of the zodiac, people born in the years of the dog and the chicken are considered to be the six unlucky people, so they are incompatible.

In terms of personality, people born in the Year of the Dog are quick-witted, energetic, loyal, studious, hardworking, versatile, independent, self-reliant, sincere, generous, but impatient. People born in the Year of the Rooster are intelligent, independent, smart, quick-thinking, decisive, sociable, trustworthy, principled, but hypocritical, unable to seek truth from facts, and unsteady. Although people born in the Year of the Dog and the Year of the Rooster have some similarities, they also have the same shortcomings: they lack endurance and like to give up halfway.

In terms of the zodiac signs, the Dog and the Rooster are in conflict. People born under the signs of the Dog and the Rooster are naturally incompatible. They have opposite ideas on everything and are incompatible. They are not compatible in their careers and have disharmonious marriages, and it is not easy for them to succeed in anything.

How to tell if the zodiac signs of Rooster and Dog are compatible

How to resolve conflicts among colleagues

In fact, people born in the Year of the Rooster and the Year of the Dog are not in conflict with each other. On the contrary, the Rooster is metal and the Dog is earth, so they are in a mutually beneficial relationship. However, in numerology, the Rooster and the Dog are mutually harmful, and this zodiac relationship is even worse. This is particularly evident in their careers and work. If they are in different departments, they are likely to hurt each other for their own interests. Although they seem to be easy-going, once they touch upon those fundamental things, they will immediately react violently. This situation is actually not easy to resolve. To truly resolve it, the relationship between their colleagues must be completely reduced to the freezing point, that is, although they are in the same company, their respective departments are relatively hostile, so there is naturally no question of resolving their relationship.

Another situation is that the Rooster and the Dog are just colleagues, and they even need to work together to complete a certain task. In this case, although they have common interests, their different behaviors will lead to completely different perspectives on work, and it is impossible to cooperate well at this time. If you want to resolve this problem, it is also very simple, that is, find a colleague who is a Tiger, and the three of them will work together and the work can be completed quickly.

Lovers resolve conflicts between chickens and dogs

People born in the Year of the Rooster and the Year of the Dog are in conflict with each other, but there are not many disadvantages in marriage. In other words, if one of the lovers is born in the Year of the Rooster and the other is born in the Year of the Dog, there is not much harm. However, it is not entirely true that this couple can live happily together until old age, after all, their personalities are not compatible. People born in the Year of the Rooster are naturally active and look very arrogant, but they are quite introverted in their hearts and never want to do things that are out of their control. Although people born in the Year of the Dog look very loyal on the outside, they are quite stubborn in their hearts. They may be together because of temporary love, but after a long time, they will begin to dislike each other.

If a Rooster and a Dog are lovers, then it is easy to resolve the conflict between them, because neither of them is hopeless. No matter how big the conflict is, as long as they are given a way out, they can quickly forgive each other. In other words, in order to resolve the conflict between them, someone needs to take the initiative to admit their mistakes, and generally speaking, the Dog is the one who gives in.

Resolving the problem of conflict between chickens and dogs among relatives

If there is a Rooster and a Dog among the relatives, no matter how close their relationship is, various hazards may arise. Because these two are actually very thorough people, they know each other’s thoughts very well, and naturally they can’t stand each other. In this case, to resolve the relationship problems between the two, you need to introduce relatives of other zodiac signs to help. The best one is the Tiger, who can directly grasp the general development direction of the family and effectively weaken the contradictions between the Rooster and the Dog.

What is the best direction for wealth for people born in the year of the dog and the rooster?

Best location in the southeast direction

People born in the Year of the Dog and the Year of the Rooster are very compatible with each other financially. If they work together, they will definitely make more money than lose. Of course, the direction of making money is also very important. If you choose the wrong direction, then it is very likely that your efforts will be in vain. The best direction for people born in the Year of the Dog and the Year of the Rooster is the southeast direction, which is the richest, so if they join now, they can still get a share of the pie.

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