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How Is the Compatibility of Monkey and Horse ?

If Monkey and Horse become partners, there will be sweetness in their marriage, but there will also be quarrels. Both husband and wife must make compromises and concessions to make the marriage more harmonious and happy, and the family atmosphere will be particularly harmonious. You must understand clearly. So, do Monkey and Horse get along well?

How is the compatibility of Monkey and Horse?

The family atmosphere of Monkey and Horse is very harmonious after marriage. Both of them are easy-going and carefree. They will not quarrel over trivial matters. Both of them have an indifferent attitude towards trivial things, and they will not escalate to a serious level. Both of them do not have a strong sense of family responsibility. After marriage, they will not restrain themselves with family responsibility and remain single. They go out with friends to drink, party, and travel. They don’t spend much time at home. No one takes care of the housework. After marriage, they can choose to hire a nanny.

People in the Year of the Horse and the Year of the Monkey will have a lot of family income after marriage. Both of them are very good at making money. They will not stick to a fixed salary. They will start a sideline business, invest in financial management, and open a small shop, which can bring a steady stream of wealth. People born in the Year of the Horse and the Year of the Monkey have no concept of saving money and saving money. They spend money lavishly and enjoy themselves in time. There is not much savings in the family. In the event of an emergency, they cannot take out money in the short term. After having children, if the family’s risk ability is weak, they will face a fragmented situation when encountering a little thing. For Horse and Monkey, they need to set up a family savings fund after marriage, save money appropriately every month.

Who is not good if they are staying together?

People born in the Year of the Horse and the Year of the Monkey are very face-conscious, pursue a high-quality life, and cannot endure hardships. They need to buy the best food at home, which will bring an economic burden to the whole family. People born in the Year of the Horse and the Year of the Monkey spend money lavishly and do not save money. They will be typical moonlighters, and their families will fall into an economic crisis. Both of them have a weak sense of responsibility, and will always put themselves in the first place. They are unwilling to make more sacrifices and efforts for the family. After having children, they are unwilling to take care of them. The living environment at home is particularly bad. Although the two have many similarities, it is still recommended not to be together.

Are the horse and the monkey in conflict with each other?

From the perspective of numerology, the horse and the monkey do not have a conflicting relationship, but after analysis, the two are particularly incompatible, so it is inevitable to fall in love, and there will be no good ending in marriage. The horse and the monkey are very impulsive in their hearts. When they are angry, they will lose their reason and cannot think about problems rationally. In their married life, they will have a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every five days. Having children will also cause great harm to their hearts. The monkey and the horse do not have strong empathy, and they cannot consider problems from the perspective of each other when encountering things. The contradiction will continue to be intensified.

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