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Do Rats and Horses go together?

1. Rat and Horse conflict with each other.

Among the 12 zodiac signs, Zi and Wu are in conflict with each other, so people born in the year of the Rat and people born in the year of the Horse are not compatible. In daily life, people born in the Year of the Rat and people born in the Year of the Horse can’t get along. People born in the Year of the Rat are delicate and calculating, while people born in the Year of the Horse are free-spirited and optimistic, and their personalities are incompatible with each other, so they can’t be good friends.

2. Mice and horses have a bad relationship.

In the midst of love, Zi and Wu collide, so the Rat and the Horse are not suitable for marriage, otherwise they will never get along well and cry every day.

3. Rat and Horse are unfavourable at work.

At work, the Rat is rational and steady, but sensitive and suspicious, while the Horse is straightforward, free-spirited, changeable and impulsive, and has a quiet but active character. When they work together, there will be a lot of friction and different attitudes towards problems. If there is resistance, they will each look for a way out and things will not run smoothly. Those born in the Year of the Rat are more likely to work with those born in the Year of the Ox, the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Dragon, while those born in the Year of the Horse are more likely to work with those born in the Year of the Dragon, the Year of the Tiger and the Year of the Dog.

What is the marriage between a Rat and a Horse?

1. male rat and female horse.

When it comes to marriage, the affinity index between a Rat male and a Horse female is relatively low, they are not very compatible emotionally and are prone to disagreements and dissatisfaction in the midst of their daily lives.

Firstly, they lack a good emotional foundation due to the negative effects of the Rat and Horse zodiac pairing. Secondly, as far as personality traits are concerned, the Rat’s intelligence and prudence tend not to be the type favoured by the Horse, who values casualness, freedom and a careless way of doing things.

2. Rat Girl and Horse Boy Pairing.

When it comes to love relationships, the Rat Girl and the Horse Boy are not very similar in terms of personality traits and understanding of love, so there will be some twists and turns in the development of their relationship, and it will take time for them to get used to each other.

The Horse man is always passionate and inspired when it comes to relationships, whereas the Rat woman is more interested in a stable and long-lasting relationship. They can’t convince each other to enjoy the beauty of their relationship, so it’s easy to have disagreements.

In short, marriage is not always smooth sailing, but a process that requires both parties to work together, tolerance and understanding. In the midst of this process, couples born in the Year of the Rat and the Year of the Horse may find that their differences are not a problem but a valuable asset that enriches their marriage. On the basis of mutual respect, trust and love, they will surely write their own beautiful marriage story together.

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