AI Intimacy Coach

How to Read Tarot Cards


Tarot cards are a kind of inquiry tool full of mysterious charm, and each card represents a kind of meaning and energy. This article will start from the perspective of Tarot knowledge, explain the meaning of Tarot cards and how to interpret them in detail, and help you better understand and apply Tarot cards to understand your future fortune.


  1. Interpretation of the Major Arcana deck

1). What is the Major Arcana deck

In the Tarot deck, the Major Arcana is made up of 22 special cards that represent life’s major events, turning points, and cosmic forces.

2). Interpretation of the meaning of the major arcana card

By analyzing the patterns, meanings and numbers of the Major Arcana cards, interpret the special meaning of each card.


  1. Interpretation of the Minor Arcana deck

1). What is the Minor Arcana deck

The Minor Arcana consists of the remaining 56 cards, including 4 suits: Wands, Chalices, Swords and Coins. These cards represent the day-to-day affairs and concrete human interactions in life.

2). Interpretation of the meaning of the Minor Arcana card

By interpreting the four suits of the Minor Arcana and the cards in each suit, we can understand the meaning of the cards and the symbolic meaning each card represents.


  1. Interpretation of card combinations

Combine different tarot cards for more accurate results.


  1. Matters needing attention in card interpretation

1). The subjectivity of card interpretation

Different readers may have different understandings and need to interpret according to their own circumstances.

2). Flexibility of card reading

A card will have different meanings and interpretations in different positions, different questions, and different combinations of surrounding cards.

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